time to bloom.

I’ve naturally felt drawn to setting a word of intention over the last few years. not a resolution or specific goal, but a word to come back to throughout the year and use as an anchor for the many experiences to come. 

for 2023, I’ve chosen the word b l o o m.

the past few years have been full of introspection and inner work, expansion and healing. ripping down parts of myself to rebuild a stronger foundation.  and while it’s been messy, there is also a tenderness that has come from the sheer depth and understanding of the process.

from my meditation practice, journaling, hard conversations, therapy, unlearning old truths, setting boundaries, habit change, and facing myself.  I’ve been plucking the weeds and planting new seeds. 

in this ongoing process, those little seeds have required patience, love and attention, continual nourishment, and the right environment to flourish.

and this new year won’t come with some magic flip of the switch that alleviates the challenges or brings some final result, as if life has stark before and afters. as author brianna wiest puts it - “we are always in a process of shedding and becoming”.

but something has been stirring inside me for a while now, and although I’ll continue stumbling along the way, I know all this work isn’t for nothing. 

it’s celebrating the process of life and where I am each day.

it’s cultivating a deeper sense of surrender and trust. 

it’s having a firm belief in myself and in my light. 

it’s finding my sense of home within myself.

it’s standing in my strength, yet leaning into my softness. 

and ultimately, it’s recognizing the wonder in it all. 

2023, it’s time to b l o o m.


kathmandu, nepal


playing catch up